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Dear Fans and Friends:

How wonderful it was for "the real" Cascades to finally appear and perform in your wonderful country. Thanks so much for being so gracious, kind and friendly to us while we were there. We fell in love with ALL of you. And........ we will be back again soon. We are scheduled to be once again at the Aranetta Coliseum on September 9th and at the beautiful Manila Hotel on September 10th. Our dear friend, Steve O'Neil will once again be bringing us over to perform for all of you

Also, lets now forever put to rest the terrible rumor that we were all killed in a plane crash. I hope you know now that it IS NOT TRUE!!! We ARE AlIVE AND WELL. Steve O'Neil did a thorough investigation trying to find out who started this myth, but was unsuccessful. So while on our last tour to The Philippines, we sang our songs on TV with just our voices and a guitar to prove to all of you, that it truly was the real Cascades. I hope to just hear my voice sing "Shy Girl" or "Angel on my Shoulder" is proof enough for all who listen. The voice is older, perhaps a little deeper, but none the less, still MY lead voice, the voice of yours truly.......... John Claude Gummoe, founding member of The Cascades and the composer of "There's A Reason" and the world-wide pop classic, "Rhythm of the Rain"

You, the Phillipine people ARE truly the most devoted fans of the Cascades anywhere in the world and we are truly grateful.....

WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!